Fairlawnstock: New supporters!

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The Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre in North Toronto welcomed the Food & Water First campaign with Sweet Potato Creemore Chili, fresh bread and great conversations about protecting Ontario’s prime farmland and water resources. Fairlawnstock was inspired by Foodstock and Soupstock, the culinary celebrations of this province’s agricultural land that helped stop the Highland Mega Quarry. Those who attended Fairlawnstock even brought their own soup bowls!

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NDACT’s Carl Cosack told the large gathering about the need for city dwellers to connect with the rare farmland that provides healthy local food, and to press our politicians to take action. Thanks to Naomi Schafler of the Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre, Michelle Sparrow of the Fairlawn Avenue United Church, Aroma Espresso and the volunteers for a successful evening.

P.S. The Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre is now a Food & Water First Community Centre!