Food or Flights?

“What’s still here is the land and the water, and that’s worth fighting for.” 


A mega project outside Toronto threatens thousands of acres of Class 1 farmland and water resources. Sound familiar? But instead of a mega quarry, it’s a proposed airport that’s been controversial since it was first announced 40 years ago. The fight over the Pickering Airport is back on, and this terrific article by Andrew Reeves updates the long campaign by those determined to protect the rare soil for food production.

Farmland Should Trump Airport


During the campaign to Stop the Mega Quarry, world-renowned photographer Edward Burtynsky donated one of his photos to the cause. It was a prized exhibit at an Artists Against the MegaQuarry art show, and its sale helped raise funds for our effort. Edward Burtynsky is once again tackling a favourite topic of ours: water and our relationship to it. His latest film “Watermark” premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival. Here’s a glimpse of his powerful documentary.

Watermark trailer