Let’s grow it!

A new study by researchers at McMaster University contains some appetizing suggestions for expanding Ontario’s agri-food sector: cut food imports and grow more of our own fruits and vegetables. The study found we could produce more than one-half of the $20-billion in food products we importAnd, if we grew the top 10 imported fruits and vegetables, another $250-million would be added to the economy along with 3,400 jobs.

CBC report: Ontario can feed itself

Of course, to grow these extra fruits and vegetables, and the jobs along with them, Ontario would need to protect more prime agricultural land. Join the campaign to preserve this province’s best farmland by taking the Food & Water First PLEDGE!


China’s Syndrome

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Image: AFP/Getty

A growing population. Disappearing farmland. Food security. Sound familiar? China is grappling with all three as it tries to contain urban sprawl in order to keep its agricultural lands in production. Yet, the Chinese government is proceeding with plans to build one of the world’s largest airports on a swath of prime farmland. (Our Food & Water First Partners Land Over Landings know about proposed airports on rare farmland.) The Guardian newspaper reports “China must feed one-fifth of the world’s population on about 7% of arable land — and nearly half of it has been “degraded” by unchecked development.” Lessons for Ontario?

Read more here: Can China feed its people?