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Father Goose in flight!
What’s that in the sky?! It’s a very special guest flying to Celebrate Food & Water First! Bill Lishman – the man known as Father Goose — will pilot his ultralight aircraft from the Pickering area to Honeywood on August 18th to show his support for our campaign. Bill is an artist and filmmaker. He’s also the first human to fly in formation with birds. Yes, he’s the adventurer who led geese on a migration route to the U-S, an incredible feat that inspired the film, Fly Away Home.
Over the past 40 years, Bill has also been trying to protect the Pickering Lands – 18,600 acres of Class 1 farmland north east of Toronto – from being turned into a new airport. The Food & Water First campaign has much in common with those trying to preserve the Pickering Lands. “The most precious thing we have is the land that sustains us,” says Bill. “To permanently destroy prime growing land, for whatever cause, is tantamount to theft from our offspring.”
Bill’s flight will symbolically link our two communities. He’s going to land his ultralight near Honeywood and share his thoughts on preserving farmland and water resources in the Honeywood arena at noon. Then, he’ll lift off again to conduct a flypast over the farmland, forests and river valleys of the Hills of Headwaters. Notify the local geese!

Jersey Girls on the Miller Farm!
Mooooovalous! That was our reaction when we learned Miller’s Dairy of Creemore was going to bring its famous Jersey milk to Celebrate Food & Water First. Miller’s Dairy milk is served in old-fashioned glass bottles and is hugely popular in Dufferin County. Once you taste it on August 18th, you’ll know why! The Miller “girls” sure know how to produce great milk. (You MUST try the chocolate!)
As their business grows and thrives, the Millers recognize the importance of respecting the land and water around us.
“We are caretakers of our land. Our family farm is fifth generation and we have an obligation to see that future generations have farmland to grow their food and clean fresh water to raise their families with hope.” We’ll raise a glass of milk to that!
We loved them at the Taters Not Craters dance in February and can’t wait to hear them again August 18th. Come Celebrate Food & Water First with the band Harlan Pepper! Jimmy Hayes, Dan Edmonds, Thompson Wilson and Marlon Nicolle are returning to the Honeywood arena with their wonderful alternative country rock music. They’ve shared the stage with big talents, including the Arkells and Feist and now Harlan Pepper will take to our hay wagon stage! Here’s one of our favourite songs: Great Lakes!
Harlan Pepper Great Lakes