Ontarians have a chance to comment on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act (ESA): Proposed changes” until May 18, 2019 on Ontario’s Environmental Registry (ERO).
Here is NDACT’s submission:
We, the people behind Food & Water First, learned first hand the need to protect farmland and source water from short-term thinking.
The Food & Water First campaign was born of the Stop the Mega Quarry movement near Shelburne. Eight (8) years ago a proposal was made to dig a 2,400-acre quarry 200 feet deep on prime vegetable land. Farmers, First Nations, locals, weekenders, Chefs, artists, musicians, and anyone who could see the importance of Ontario’s food and water security came together to protect the land. In October 2011, “Foodstock” attracted 28,000 people to Melancthon Township, just north of Shelburne. In 2012, 40,000 people joined us in downtown Toronto for “Soupstock”. The furor was so great that the quarry proposal was withdrawn in November 2012.
Today NDACT’s mandate through the Food & Water First campaign is to protect our food land and clean water sources for future generations by promoting good legislation and land-use planning.
To that end, North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Taskforce (NDACT) must speak out against the regressive changes proposed for the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 2007 (ESA):
The Government of Ontario is proposing changes to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that would give the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks sweeping powers. Under the proposed amended legislation, the Minister would be able to:
In summary, the proposed changes would reduce, delay, weaken, over-rule, by-pass and provide less enforcement of the Endangered Species Act.
NDACT objects to the proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act, 2007 that open the law to arbitrary and subjective decision-making by the Minister. With the average term of office of the Minister being less than two (2) years, decisions by the Minister are likely to become inconsistent and appear capricious based on political climate resulting in unfair application. The Minister holds a politically engaged position and thus could be influenced by the political climate especially regarding election funding.
Today it is too easy to wipe out decades of decision-making at the stroke of a pen. NDACT asks the Government of Ontario to consider First Nations’ seventh generation principle and look beyond the narrow view of today’s “open for business” economy.
NDACT would also like to acknowledge the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, and the importance of keeping decision-making transparent and accountable through the Environmental Registry.
Today’s decisions are our legacy for future generations.
North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Taskforce (NDACT) is a grassroots group formed in 2009 by local farmers and residents to defend Melancthon’s prime farmland at the headwaters of five (5) rivers from a proposed mega-quarry. After a successful campaign, NDACT continues to fight for farmland and source water by developing awareness, encouraging people power, and by promoting better legislation for today and for the future. Food & Water First is a campaign of NDACT.
#ProtectPrimeFarmland #ProtectOurWater #ProtectOurGreenbelt #FoodAndWaterFirst