Voting for Farmland & Water?

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“We’re going to vote for somebody who’s willing to look into the problems in agriculture and maybe do something about it.” Judy Lucas, Rancher

So far in this lengthy election campaign, there’s been little attention paid to Canada’s agricultural sector or the people who make it productive. Yet some voices are being raised, including that of Judy Lucas, who was featured on CBC’s The National as part of the program’s voter vignettes. Watch Judy’s story here: Voters of Canada 

No sign of water in this election

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Whether it is water to grow our food, power our industries or quench a thirsty population, this vital resource is not being discussed on the campaign trail. Dr. David Schindler, a retired ecology professor from the University of Alberta, wonders why. And he warns: “We’re going to forget all about the economy when we run out of water.” 

Read more about Dr. Schindler’s concerns in Why isn’t Canada’s freshwater supply an election issue?