Take the Pledge

Let’s make 2018 the year the Ontario government takes bold steps to protect our province’s prime farmland and critical water resources. Urban sprawl, climate change, aggregate operations and food security are significant issues that require significant revisions to our out-dated land-use policies and legislation. It’s time for all levels of government to work together to preserve prime farmland and water resources for Ontario’s growing population and $34-billion agri-food sector.

We understand that big changes always start with small steps. So, we’re asking the Ontario government to take a significant first step towards the much larger goal of protecting the best farmland in Canada. Let’s begin with a 10-year moratorium on new rezoning applications that involve non-farming development on prime agricultural soil, the rarest in the country. 10 years to review and implement better farmland protection policies. 10 years to make sure we get it right. You can help by taking the Pledge:

I promise to protect Ontario’s prime farmland and source water regions. I will make every effort to preserve the land and water that sustain us now and for future generations. I will put food and water first.

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